2015. szeptember 10., csütörtök

Slovenian dinner recipes


Ingredients for 5

0.15kg white flavour
1 egg
1 spoon of oil

0.15kg of cottage cheese
1 Sour cream 

Put all ingredients for the dough together and knead them. When you finish put on some oil, leave it to rest for about 20 minutes.
Meanwhile prepare the filling. Mix together cottage cheese, eggs, sour cream and salt. If it is too liquid put in some breadcrumbs .
After 20 minutes strudel the dough and put on some filling and then roll it tight and wrap it in foil. Boil and salt the water. Then put štuklji in and cook them for about 20 minutes.


Ingredients for 5

0.6kg pork
0.1kg carrot
0.1kg celeriac
2 cloves of garlic
1 bay leave
1 teaspoon of cumin
oil for roasting

Slice carrot and celeriac like julienne but thicker and put it inside of the meat (you must see it on both sides of meat). Season it with salt, pepper and cumin. Add thin pices of garlic, parsley and bay leave. Roast the meat a little bit in the pan, then wrap it in aluminium foil with oil and put it in the oven for 20 minuts (180°C). Put some sliced vegetables and onion on a baking tray and roast it with the meat.


Ingredients for 5

4 apples
3dag of sugar
Vanilla cream
2 eggs
6 dag of sugar
1 pocket of vanilla sugar
350ml of milk

Wash apples, cut the seeds out and then slice them on pices. Put it in pot, add sugar and a bit of cinnamon and "cook" them in a bit of water till they become soft. Take the apples out of water and cool them.
Mix egg yolk with half of sugar, add vanilla sugar and mix again. Now add the milk and cook it till it starts boiling. Mix it with wooden spoon all the time. At the end add whipped egg whites and mix it just a little bit. 

Bon Appetit!

2015. szeptember 9., szerda

This blog reflects the views only of the authors and of the partner organisations involved in the project Eurochef, and the European Commission, 
the Agenzia Nazionale per i Giovani, the Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, the City of Allai and EXPO 2015 cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

A project made possible by the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, the Agenzia Nazionale per i Giovani, the Regione Autonoma della Sardegna and the City of Allai. And endorsed by Padiglione Italia of EXPO 2015

2015. szeptember 8., kedd

Day 5

On Monday the Slovanians made pancake for breakfast. After it we went to the beach with the bus. We were there for 4 hours. We played volleyball in the sea, swam and just had fun. After the beach we went to a town named Oristano, where we enjoyed the taste of the ice cream and the town. Becouse the Slovenian group had to make the dinner and Slovenian night, we had to leave the town. The food was delicious, everyone loved it and also the night. After all of the activities we had the chance to go on a festival, wich was in the town. We were dancing, listening to the music and just enjoyed the night.

2015. szeptember 6., vasárnap

Paprikás krumpli

Ingredients for 5 person :

-1,2 kg. potato
-5 onion
-2 sausage
-paprika powder
-2 spoon fat

Introductions :

 Peel the onions and the potatos, chopping the onions in very small pieces and cut the potato to 3*3 cm size pieces . Put the fat in the pot with low heat and let it melt down when it is hot you can add the onions and you have to mix them together. When the onions are glassy add the potato pieces to the mixture and let it rest until it becomes shiny get of the pot from the heat and add the paprika to it .It has to be red everywhere . Spice it with the pepper and with the salt. Put it back add some sausage in little pieces and add the water until everything is under water . Boil it for 45 minutes or until the potato are good and u can taste the paprika and the sausages in a potato .

Serve it with some with bread .

Penne with pesto

Ingredients for 5 person :

-100gr. basil leaves
-40gr. pine nuts
-100gr. grated Parmesan cheese
-20gr. pecorino (cheese)
-100gr. extra virgin olive oil
-6gr. coarse sea salt

Procedure :

Put in a mortar the garlic and salt, so when you add the basil leaves (washed and dried), they remain deep green. It is important that the leaves are not kneading on the bottom of the mortar, but on the walls, mixing in the rotary direction, slowly and without violence.After you put the pine nits and the basil cheese. Finally add, drop by drop the olive oil.

Now you can make 350gr. of pasta (70gr. per person) and add 3-4 teaspoons of pest with a litle bit of extra olive oil. add the pesto only after you cook the pasta .

4. day of the exchange

This morning was a bit different because we had pancakes for breakfast made by slovenian girls. Later in the morning the locals showed us how to pick and skin the cactusfruit. As soon as we finished the preparation of the fruit we went to the library where the italian leader presented about the youthpass with the help of some exercises.

Todays lunch was an italian pesto penne which was incredibly delicious. After a short rest we had some funny activities according to national food tabus. When all the activities ended the blue brigade went back to our accommodation to prepare dinner for the whole team while the other groups had to help with the blog.

Chick peas salad

Ingredients for 4

2 cans chick peas
2 california peppers
150 g olives
a bit of celery
2 tomatoes
oliv eoil
balsamic vinegar

Chopp california peppers, olives, celery and tomatoes. Stir it with chick peas, add salt, pepper, olive oil and vinegar.  

Rice salad with tuna

Ingredents for 4

300 g rice
2 cans of tuna
2 california peppers
4 tomatoes
olive oil
balsamic vinegar

Boil the rice and cool it. Cut the tomatoes and california peppers on small pices put it in rice, add tuna, salt, pepper, oliv oil and vinegar and stir all together.

Rice salad with eggs and vegetables

Ingredients for 4

300 g rice
150 g pickled vegetables (carrot, cauliflower, broccoli, celery)
1 can sweet corn
olive oil
balsamic vinegar

Boil the rice and cool it and boil the eggs too. Add pickled vegetables, sweet corn, chopped eggs, salt, pepper, olive oil and vinegar.